Content Marketing Is King

Posted by Gary
on 09/21/14

Quality Content Marketing Establishes Your Authority

As a business owner you’re in the best position to understand what information benefits your customers the most. Contributing your knowledge or direction helps us build personal trust and relationships with customers as well as search engines. As a team you can help us put those personal touches and industry knowledge to effective use. Here are a few helpful tips to keep in mind when creating a content marketing strategy.

Content Knowledge

You know your business and what your clients are looking for.

  • Are there too few informative articles or too many badly written ones?
  • What can you provide to educate customers on your services?
  • Do you find yourself answering the same questions repeatedly?

Resources For Articles

All of the material handed out to your clients should be on your site.

  • Does your office provide pamphlets or information sheets?
  • Do you have access to common industry resources?
  • What are the details for services or packages you offer clients?

Customer Surveys

Ask your customers what they expect? What kind of information would be helpful for them?

  • Do you ask for review or feedback from customers?
  • What have your customers asked for or expressed concern about?
  • Are there complaints about the lack of certain, specific information?

Your Character

You and the service you provide are why your customers come back, let your personality shine through!

  • How about an informal interview about how you started?
  • Do you want to share some insight into hobbies, charities, etc?
  • What are your business philosophies, what do you consider important?

Having unique, great content on your site is the cornerstone of any good SEO campaign. We believe in it’s positive effects, not only in rankings but also customer conversions. In fact it’s an SEO tactic we employ ourselves. Give us a call and we can show how this fits into our SEO strategies!